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  • Writer's picturePastor Liz

What's Next?

Gardening season has ended and the rainy season has arrived. So what's a quirky little church-ish community to do?! The consensus from a conversation this past Sunday was that we would feel comfortable gathering inside with an expectation of full vaccination, mask wearing and physically distancing. And, we want to make sure that WildWood continues to be accessible to everyone so we will have Blended (Zoom & in-person) Gatherings beginning October 17. This is of course an on-going conversation as our comfortably and the cases of COVID in our area continue to shift and change. We want to make sure all of our community is safe and healthy and spiritually nourished. There will be more details to come as we work out the kinks and navigate together. Please reach out to share you thoughts, feeling, concerns, questions and ideas. We are in this together, more aware of our connection and impact on each other than ever before.

The next two weeks, October 3 and 10, we will have two DIY Sundays with invitations to cultivate rest and play. Wherever you are, however you are feeling, DIY Sunday invites you into a place of reflection and engagement. I will send out an email with links, prompts and suggestions for you to spent some time with. 5 minutes or 50 minutes, whatever is accessible and meaningful for you.

So! I'm holding us all in prayer and surrounding us with blessings as we leap into this new season, trusting each one of you, and our beloved community.




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