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  • Writer's picturePastor Liz

WildWood On The Move

We are excited to announce that WildWood is ready to make the move to a new and BIGGER location. It has been such a gift to spend the last year in the cozy loft space of Browser's Bookstore. Words cannot express our appreciation for the Browser's staff and the beautiful space we gathered in each week. In this year our community has grown and with more people joining us each week we need a little more wiggle room and so on September 24, we will make the move to Gallery Boom, a quirky art gallery located at the corner of Legion and Adams. Gallery Boom is on the street level and has a ramp entrance, offering us the opportunity to be fully accessible to those with physical disabilities. This new space is beautiful and I know it will be a wonderful place for us to continue to grow. Christine, the owner of Gallery Boom, has invited us to stop by and check out the space during their open hours.

On Sunday, September 24, we will have a special WildWood Gathering to celebrate this new space, celebrate our fellowship status with our District supporters and formally install* Liz as our pastor. It will be a fun Celebration Gathering so make plans to join us September 24 at 6 pm at 520 Adams St!

*Install, or an installation, is a formal way of recognizing the relationship between pastor and community. Liz has been serving in this role from the very beginning, but this is a formal way to name and celebrate the commitment and relationship we share.

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