We remember that life is begotten from stardust, radiant in light and heat. We are all one - all of creation, all that now live, all that have ever lived. Remember we are stardust and to stardust we shall return. Join us on Sunday as we enter the season of Lent in preparation for Easter. We begin with Ash Wednesday, traditionally a time of self-examination and penance. In many traditions it is a season to abstain or give up something, to fast. Traditionally, Catholics give up meat during Lent, or at least on Fridays. Ever wondered why fish is always on sale in the spring? It harkens back to Catholic's meat fast. This year, we invite you to enter into this season in a different way. We invite you to reflect on our connections. Beginning at the very beginning, we humans are made from the cosmic stuff of the earth and filled with the life-breath of the Divine Creator. We are made from stardust. All of the Earth is made from the stuff of ancient stars. If we reaffirm our connection on such a basic and cosmic level how might we live differently? This Lenten season we will renew our sense of connection, to each other, strangers, the 'other', the environment, all of creation.
In that spirit, instead of marking our foreheads with black ashes as symbol of shame and sadness, we will mark them with a circle of stardust, ash mixed with glitter, as a sign of our connection to each other, all of creation and the Divine Creator. A connection that is wide, expansive and inclusive. We are stardust and to stardust we shall return, and in between, we glitter, shimmer and dance in Divine light.
Join us on Sunday, February 26, 6 pm at Browser's Books, 107 Capitol Way.