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Writer's picturePastor Liz

Stumbling Towards Holiness

In all nights there is light; in long days there can be ache too.

A Solstice Blessing by Padraig O’Tuama

On Sunday I forgot check-ins. Or, rather, I forgot to do them in their usual spot towards the beginning. I remembered that I had forgotten them just before the Sending Blessing. As music offered a moment of reflection, and bought me a few minutes to look back at my plan, I wavered on whether we should go ahead and do them. I felt bad, often with I try to go back and add something I’d forgot it is awkward and interrupts the flow. But, I went ahead and added them and instead of awkward we found tenderness, we stumbled into holiness. As we each shared where we had seen lightness and darkness, I sensed that it was exactly what we all needed. (Ok God, I see what you did there, maybe I didn’t absentmindedly forget after all. 😏) I think that’s what Advent is, or should be. Stumbling into holiness.

As we move into December with a calendar of parties and a lengthy to-do list. Getting swept up in it is a given and the Advent invitation to slow down and notice the wonder of the season is nice in theory. In my desire to live into the expectation of Advent, I’m even inclined to schedule time for wonder and surprise! Advent is this mix of expectation, anticipation and be-ing. It is an awkward tension to hold.

“…Advent, with its tensions and contrasts, is a season of art. Think of the poetry, music, and visual images it has brought forth over the centuries. During these weeks, the Christian imagination turns toward humility, paradox, tenderness, waiting, and the maternity of God — Advent is the antithesis of all imperial and authoritarian temptations of the faith. It is the very embodiment of mystery, and its language is loveliness.”

(If you want to read it in its entirety, let me know and I can share it.)

That tension won’t get easier, we won’t become less awkward (at least I doubt I will), and we'll forget so many things, but all of that is what Advent offers. Advent holds the awkward tension and leads us stumbling into holiness.

I can’t promise what holiness we may encounter this Sunday, December 10, but we will create space for tension and balance. Maybe some art and story too.

Sunday, December 10 at 4:00 pm

110 Eleventh Ave. SE

Enter through the main glass doors.

Kiddo care too.

A reminder that this is an exceptionally short Advent season for WildWood. This Sunday, December 10, is the second Sunday of Advent, the following Sunday, December 17, is our Very Queer Christmas Pageant where we will celebrate Advent 3 and 4 and an early Christmas Eve. Wildwood doesn’t meet on Christmas Eve. So if you'd like to join in this Advent season, don't miss it, it’ll be a fast and festive few weeks! After the 17th we won’t gather together again until January 6.


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