I told my therapist that it feels like my brain is running in circles. Frantic and anxious, spinning around, unsure what to do next or where to start. There is just SO much and my brain thinks I should do and fix ALL of it RIGHT NOW. So I’m spinning in circles unable to do anything. (fig. 1: email late on Friday.) Of course my therapist carefully interrogates my thoughts, asking gentle questions, all the while leading me towards the advice to take a nap.
Because of course she did.
The other "revelation" she invited me to consider was to let go of the notion that I can do it ALL on my own. (Therapist speak for, “ask for help.”) While I work on those two daunting tasks, I can’t help but think that the suggestions are relevant to how we all hold what's happening in the world and within our own lives and bodies. We consume news alone on our phones. We receive challenging information and are expected to just hold it by ourselves. We’re taught to hide anything we struggle with. Even the good stuff can be hard to celebrate because it’s rude to brag.
On Sunday, May 5, bring all you carry, the struggles, questions, ideas, prayers, excitements. We’ll have an extended check-in to share what we bring so that we can hold it together. We probably won’t solve anything, but maybe by holding it together it can feel a little lighter and brighter. ♥︎
Holding it Together (Mostly)
Sunday, May 5, at 4 pm
Kiddo care
P.S. Next Sunday, May 11, we will continue to share and hold together through prayer and art stations. It’ll be “self-guided,” so come anytime 4-5 pm.
