In July I spent five days in the sticky-humid mountains of North Carolina attending Wild Goose Festival, a spirituality, faith and social justice music and arts festival. I have been wanting to go for a long time and it was just as good as I had hoped. I'll write more about it later, but today I get to share a Podcast. Doug Pagitt is a progressive evangelical church planting and the director of Open Network, a collective of progressive evangelical, non-denominational and free-church tradition churches. He invited me and a couple other Wild Goose folks to join him on the GooseCast Stage to record an episode of Doug Pagitt Radio.
We talked about WildWood Gathering, denominational politics, and the amazing adventure that is cultivating a community of faith. It was a blast to sit down with him and I have to say I'm really happy and proud of how I shared about WildWood. It was a joy to share the mic with poets Michael Toy and Victoria and hear from others doing amazing and creative faith work too. Take a listen!
p.s. The poem that I can't remember in the podcast is the one in the photo above. It's call Wild Geese by Mary Oliver.